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Runaway Bay Full Moon Fishing Forecast:

Lake George - Seville, FL

Largemouth bass fishing will probably be best around deeper structure (jetties, old pilings, docks and any dead-heads or other submerged objects that can be located. Live shiners and crank baits will be most productive in these areas. Floating worms, buzz baits or live bullhead minnows may catch bass early morning and late afternoon near the edge of eelgrass beds which extend into two to three feet of water. Eelgrass beds on the southwestern shore of the lake, western shore, northern shore, and northeast shore are all quite thick and may hold spawning bass early in the quarter. The eelgrass beds on the southeastern shore are coming back and may hold bass in close to shore. Striped bass will move to thermal refuges and deep holes. Expect redear sunfish (shellcrackers) and bluegill to spawn several times. Crickets are great for bluegill; worms usually work better for shellcrackers. Brown bullheads will congregate for spawning in the eelgrass beds through this quarter.

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