Want an extra $50?
We need your help... Please take a moment to give us some feedback and review our vacation home, Runaway Bay Lodge, via video, audio, text at: http://www.runawaybaylodge.com/multimedia-feedback
Please leave a good video or photo review of your experience at Runaway Bay, that we can use for our "Reviews" Page on our website. If you provide a useable video or photo review, we will reward you with up to $25 off of your stay. You can also get an additional up to $25 off by submitting a 5 star facebook review at: www.facebook.com/runawaybaylodge ($15) AND submitting a review at either YELP, Google or Trip Advisor ($10).
By submitting your review, you are agreeing that Runaway Bay Lodge will be allowed to use any video, text, photo or audio review for marketing purposes online.